Tea Room Ghost - AllRealGhosts.com

October 15, 2015

Tea Room Ghost

Ghost Caught on Cafe CCTV in Scotland

Ghost Caught on Cafe CCTV in Scotland (news Article, 2nd July 2012)

A cafe owner found himself Ghostbuster rather than crime-stopper, when his CCTV camera captured footage of a supernatural intruder. Dan Clifford, 35, was startled by the images of a ghostly female figure hovering in his locked shop, before disappearing into thin air. He said: “The first time I saw the shadow moving on the old camera my heart went nuts as I thought there was an intruder in the shop. "But when I looked closer I realised it couldn’t be a live human being - I could see right through it.” The apparition is just one of a number of encounters with the other side at the Curiositeaz Vintage Tea Room in Perth, Scotland.